
“英”悦之声,歌声飞young | 一年级班际歌唱比赛

发表于:2024-04-25 11:30:10



G1 children in KCIS sang English songs as a medium to demonstrate their talents and confidence. Through daily practice and family support, they have shown amazing improvement in their competition. This competition not only enabled them their English learning enjoyment, but also stimulated their interest in English music. We are so proud of our children’s efforts and growth!

赛前彩排  自信展现

Rehearsal before the game to show confidence


As this competition date approached, our G1 children participated in a carefully organized rehearsal. The Chinese and foreign English teachers carefully organized the event to allow the children to demonstrate their English abilities. After careful rehearsal, the children were helped to overcome their nervousness and step onto the final stage with confidence, showing off their unique charm and talent.

绽放才华  决战巅峰

Bloom your talents and fight for the top


After dedicated practice, our G1 singers finally ushered in the final stage of the singing competition! The children displayed unparalleled talent and confidence on the concert hall stage. With their lively and lovely singing voices, the students demonstrate their deep love for English to the audience. Let us witness their wonderful performance and cheer for them!


On the final day, all five classes in Grade 1 were able to perform on stage. Each class had the opportunity to shine and compete for the Best Voice Performance, Best Stage Presence, Best Creative Performance, Best English Pronunciation and Best Teamwork awards.


       首先,第一个登台演出的班级是1M1。冰雪世界的魅力在此刻被孩子们展现得淋漓尽致——孩子们以《Let It Go》为我们带来了一个唱跳结合的演出,欢快的舞步和童声交织,让人忍不住随之摇摆!

The first class to perform on stage is 1M1. The charm of the ice and snow world was vividly displayed by the children at this moment - the children gave us a performance that combined singing and dancing with “Let It Go”. The cheerful dance steps and children‘s voices were intertwined; people couldn’t help but sway along to the music.

      1E1班的孩子们换上异想天开的可爱服装,将《I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly》演绎得惟妙惟肖。每个小演员都充满表现力,让人眼前一亮!

The children in Class 1E1 put on a whimsical and cute costumes and performed "I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly" vividly. Every little actor was full of expressiveness and makes people's eyes bright!

       阳光下最灿烂的笑颜,来自1E2的《You Are My Sunshine》和《My Girl》合唱。他们用柔和的旋律和甜美的歌声,把快乐和爱传递给每一个人。

The brightest smile under the sun comes from the chorus of "You Are My Sunshine" and "My Girl" by 1E2. They used soft melodies and sweet singing to convey happiness and love to everyone.

1M2班用《Baby Beluga》和《I Like to Eat Eat Eat》带领我们进入了音乐的海洋。旋律中游弋的不仅是美妙的歌声,还有孩子们对生活的热爱和无限想象。

Class 1M2 led us into the ocean of music with "Baby Beluga" and "I Like to Eat Eat Eat". What swims in the melody is not only the beautiful singing, but also the children's love for life and vivid imagination.

      1E3班以《Big Big World》的深情演绎,引领我们走进宽广的世界。孩子们的声音纯净又感人,像是在诉说着成长的故事和遥远的梦想。

Class 1E3 brought us into the vast world with their soulful performance of "Big Big World". The children's voices are pure and touching, as if they were telling stories of growth and distant dreams.


Parents’ Interaction


At the end of G1 Singing Competition, the host invited several parents to comment on the event. The parents expressed that they were very satisfied with the event. Parents believe that this competition allows children to experience the fun of learning English and provides a stage for students to showcase their talents. They hope that more activities such as these will be held in the future.


Principal’s speech


Finally, Principal Tao made a concluding speech. Principal Tao expressed praise and recognition for the children’s performance, and briefly introduced our curriculum model to the parents of G1 students, allowing parents to have a deeper understanding of their children's learning situation.

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